- Take part and win a free stayZafirogram photo contest
We love seeing all the photos our guests share on social media every day and how much they are enjoying their stay with us. Our guests are the ones who know best how to show everything Zafiro Hotels has to offer, and that’s why we want to make sure they get their due reward.
The #Zafirogram photo contest has collected photos from our guests throughout 2019 and the best three photos have won a three-night stay with half board at the Zafiro hotel of their choice. Congratulations!
We would like to thank all of our guests who have shared the best photos of their holidays with us and encourage them all to take part again next year.
#Zafirogram will be active again from 01/05/2021
Follow us on social media to make sure you don’t miss our favourites.
Thank you so much to you all!
Zafiro Hotels in Instagram@zafirohotels