Imagine having access to lower prices, free late check-out and special benefits during every stay. Join our loyalty programme and get personalised perks from your first booking. A world of privileges designed to reward you for your trust and confidence.
- With full guarantees
Benefits of booking with Zafiro Hotels
Worry-free holidays. With free travel insurance, special discounts at the spa and cost-free booking cancellations. And all just for booking direct? Yes! Zafiro Hotels aims to add more value to your stay before you even arrive.
Only if you book direct through the Zafiro Hotels website, call centre or chatbot.
Enjoy More. And Better.
Zafiro Rewards Discover all the benefitsBest online price guaranteed Zafiro Hotels guarantees the best online price for your booking.
If you’ve already booked on our website and find a cheaper rate with the same conditions on another website within 24 hours of booking, send an email to with a link or something that shows the price difference and we'll match that price.
Welcome gift Your holiday should always be something extraordinarily special. An unforgettable experience from the very first moment.
That’s why we’ll surprise you with a special welcome gift as soon as you enter your room. Book on our official website to receive a lovely welcome gift to thank you for your confidence in Zafiro Hotels.
10% discount on spa treatments You can also get 10% discount on all beauty treatments and relaxation experiences offered in the spa areas in our hotels in Mallorca and Menorca.
Relax in style during your stay and make your way home from your holiday feeling completely refreshed.
Free cancellation If you book a flexible rate and then your holiday plans change, you can cancel free of charge up to 48 hours before your arrival in the low season.
And you can also cancel free of charge up to 7 days before arrival for stays from June 15 to September 15.
Early check-in option Start enjoying your room as soon as you arrive. No waiting. Zafiro Hotels direct customers have the option of checking in to the room before 12 midday.
You just have to check in advance with the hotel reception team to make sure rooms are available on your arrival.
Flight insurance also included To ensure total peace of mind for both you and your loved ones, our Relax&Care insurance has recently extended its coverage to protect you if your flight is cancelled or there is a delay that prevents you enjoying the first night of your stay at the hotel.
Pay in the hotel If you book a flexible rate directly here on the official website of Zafiro Hotels, you can forget about having to pay for your holiday in advance.
Our direct customers can pay on arrival at the hotel, without having to make any kind of full or partial pre-payment.
- Book direct for best ratesExclusive offers